Alita Battle Angel (2019) - I'm Out!


If you're not familiar with the whole picture like me, I mean, the original story by the Japanese, you won't feel much engaged at all with this live action cinematic adaptation here that appears to be rather rushing and partial. So I don't get to feel or want to care about the tension or connection between the Sky City and Iron City or whatever. But this is okay if the action scenes really are magnificent like everybody's talking. Matter of fact, they merely look like cut-scenes from some action video games! I don't see anything so fresh or avant-garde here. They're just watchable thanks to the decent CG effects. That's all.

Again, when you get to the end of it, you'll see that there should be some more sequels to come to explain it all. I doubt if it's necessary after all as chapter one already feels like unsatisfying! I can't help but wonder, is it just me or really the film? Maybe 'Alita' is a great action film like most people consider. Maybe I'm too old-school to be able to appreciate modern action pieces like that. Well, I think it's my bad that I shouldn't have expected too much. It's true that to better appreciate or enjoy films or anything else around, you gotta lower your expectations, or even, if you really want to be so called happy, have none of that.


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