The Wife (2019) - The Ghost In The Shell?


The husband is getting the Nobel Prize in Literature. The wife is getting him ready for the Ceremony and celebrations ahead. They're both old, wise and seemingly intelligent at expressing themselves suppose they're or once were writers very good at turning their thoughts into beautifully understandable words. The interactions between them nonetheless, suggest that their relationship may not be so wonderful and perfect as people outside see it. That there could be some doubts or something uneasy and heart-wrenching going on between them. Later what we're told in flashbacks does check out our speculations! The husband is the shell. The wife is the ghost. Together they've been playing 'the ghost in the shell'. How creepy and helpless huh?

'The Wife' is by no means compelling. You could just smell a rat right from the beginning. And you might've probably got the whole picture just half way through. Glenn Close's performance here is not that impressive like everybody says she is to even receive awards. I don't know. The story itself is not at all engaging. What seems to keep my attention is the fishy feeling swirling around them, which turns out quite of a cliche as a matter of fact!

Like it or not, we're made up of lies. We need them to make things go easier on us, to convince us that this life, this Samsara is somehow worth fighting and dying for. That it's supposed to be more than just a big lie! But it is. That's why the Buddha made up Nirvana, another big lie to try to distract and tempt us!


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