The Crying Game (1992) - What's In Your Nature?


Said that there’re twists that are gonna shock you. Well, I could find nothing shocking, or anything there to be called a twist in fact. I knew right from the first glance that she’s a he. If you don’t, you’re probably gay. Sure you’ll have a better experience of viewing if you don’t know anything about it beforehand, like who’s the director, what’s the story, and who’s who in the film. Also said that it’s the most talked-about movie ever. Well, I don’t think there’s anything to talk about really. In short, it’s a fairy tale about a man of kindness born into a world of madness.

Let me instead tell you a story as it’s told in the film twice, about the scorpion and the frog. There’s a scorpion that wants to cross a river, but you know a scorpion can’t swim so it asks the frog for help. Please, let me ride on your back, and help me cross the river, the scorpion said to the frog. No way, you’re going to sting me, the frog refused. I won’t. If I do, we’ll both get drowned and killed, won’t we?, the scorpion said. The frog thinks it sounds right, so it decides to give the scorpion a ride across the river. The scorpion however, stings the frog in the middle. The frog shouted, why’d you do that? The scorpion cried, I didn’t mean to, but I can’t help it. It’s my nature! How pathetic indeed. It’s like we can’t help doing things that we really don’t want to, always.

So what’s in your nature? Kindness or madness? Be aware of it. You definitely should!


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