No Escape (2015) - What's The Point?

Honestly I have no idea what the point of the film is. Is it to tell the value of a family in a troubled time? The strength of a man’s will to survive? The twist of fate accompanied by a lot of good luck? The barbaric nature of some Southeast Asian country? The goodness of the American? I don’t know. I just don’t feel anything watching this film. Maybe the score is the only thing good about it.

‘No Escape’ introduces paper-thin characters running into a political riot in a country mysterious and unknown coz we’re never told exactly where that is. The plot seems so preposterous and predictable, and sometimes it kinda drives us mad to see critical help come so surprisingly easy and right on time! It tries to stick close to reality but the whole setup seems nothing like it. With pointless slo-mo sequences and violence, this is one of the stupid films of the year that you really should avoid, period!


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