The Gift (2015) - Let Bygones Be Bygones!

‘The Gift’ is a suspenseful drama packed with intriguing, nervous conversations. It manages to withhold ‘what’s really inside’ until the last few minutes that’s to effectively shock and make you feel uneasy in a way that what you think happens may or may not happen for real. It’s more like an open ending where the mystery’s still left unknown though it seems to have finally been revealed. That’s the triumphant point of the film I guess. That’s what makes us feel like the wait’s worth it, and our patience’s paid off!

‘The Gift’ can be considered a revenge story like ‘Old Boy’ or stuff, but it’s not about killing and taking. It’s about giving and creating something for someone instead that would cast a life long horrible shadow on one’s life. The setup however, can seem a bit dragged out and boring if you prefer a plot of much more physical pain and blood. But if you’re able to breathe with the characters and flow with it, you’ll eventually be thrilled and damned in a good way!

Whatever you did in the past will find a way around to haunt you again if the conditions are right. Karma cannot be uprooted, but it can be eased off by not offering it the right conditions. ‘Let bygones be bygones’, like addressed in the film, can only be done with a prerequisite that you get to face the music and learn from it. The problem is, we never learn! We keep repeating the same mistake in one way or another. And the worst part of it is that we never seem to know it at all!


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