12 Years A Slave (2013) - We Enjoy It Our Whole Life!

I can’t help but wonder why the black (or offensively the niggers) wouldn’t fight against the white to earn their freedom? Why would they opt to be a slave while they outnumbered the white as a matter of fact? What were they afraid of as the American Indians, on the contrary, kept fighting and dying and fighting on to want to be free? And yes, while the black were being treated like a piece of shit, the American Indians were so much like a wolf untamed. Why the difference? The only reason I can think of is that the black were only willing. But why willing? Well… you tell me!

Speaking of slavery, which is one of the most shameful and humiliating stuff to human civilizations for sure, I guess it’s not exactly long gone. In fact, we’re all sort of a slave now and then. Have you ever felt like you wanna stop doing something or going somewhere but you just can’t help it no matter how hard you try? Like you don’t feel peace and happiness at all even though you seem to have had everything? Face it, we’re all slaves trapped in our own longings and delusions. We’re just doing what we want, not what we need and should! Therefore, we keep falling into Samsara, the circle of sufferings. What’s so wrong about it is, we feel nothing wrong about it at all. We so enjoy being a slave, not just for ‘12 years’ but ‘our whole life’. Even if there’s an enlightened soul wanting to get you out of it, you’ll probably think he’s nuts. It’s like telling the people who believed slavery was all right and proper that we’re all kind of equal. It’s utter nonsense, don’t you think? We can’t be saved unless we want to be saved!

’12 Years A Slave’ is neither engrossing nor gross enough to impress, but there are emotional and hard moments to make us feel like we’re so goddamned, and long takes to sicken and hopefully, waken us. The score is haunting. The acting is well delivered. It’s however, no better than ‘Gravity’ if you mean the Best Motion Picture of the year!


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