Ex Machina (2015) - Don't Overthink About It.

If Steven Spielberg’s ‘A.I.’ is to move and entertain, ‘Ex Machina’ is to warn and provoke with ideas rather than effects. A.I. stands for artificial intelligence that, instead of being preprogrammed and receiving constant updates like a robot, has the ability to learn and evolve itself to be like a man. What if a machine can do what we do, feel what we feel and think what we think? What would you call it, a man or a machine? And how could you tell? You may argue, even if a machine can do sex like we do, it can't bear babies, can it? But what if it can reproduce itself without having to undergo courtship and pregnancy, as you know love, sex, marriage and stuff are kind of troublesome and hurtful indeed? Some scientists and futurists are worried about us being replaced and ultimately destroyed by A.I. I guess it’s not a bad idea though, if that’s what we deserve. Why must the future necessarily include us human beings anyway?

Like I said, ‘Ex Machina’ is about ideas though the special effects are not bad at all. The conversations that take up almost the whole film are sort of interesting and thought-provoking, but the plot spends much time on sexbots theme, which I’m not really into, and somewhat stays expected throughout. It lacks twists and actions. I don’t like ‘ideas’ films to be honest. They tend to only leave us agitated and in doubt yet are not solving anything! Also, it’s probably because I don’t want to think too much right now. I used to want to, but I no longer do. I know it’s not what I think that matters. It’s what I do!


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