Tomorrowland (2015) - What You Believe Then?

The opening of the film seems like a big joke, probably because of not a heads-up about what’s going on given. The whole picture’s not revealing till the film goes half way down the path of wanting to change the future. This is a film about some guys jumping from one dimension into another using a magic pin, in an attempt to change what’s gonna be by changing what people believe is gonna be! Sounds complicated huh? You bet. Though ‘Tomorrowland’ is distributed by Walt Disney, it’s not for kids. They’ll find it rather intricate, and thus boring. Neither is it for adults like me that really don’t believe there’ll be a better world ahead of us, judging by what we’ve done and what we’re doing. But to be fair, the adventure itself is sort of fun even if the way it presents may cause confusion to some!

A gourmet believes we’re what we eat. A fashion designer must tell you we’re what we wear. ‘Tomorrowland’ says we’re what we think, and things are what we think they are. So if most of us believe the world is going to hell, it probably will, but not for certain. If we change what we believe it is, it’ll change too, but you know it’s so hard. We ought to learn not to judge anything by its cover, because it’s just what we think it is, not what it is. What it is, is so called truth. What we believe it is, is but delusion. We never see the truth. We only see what we want to believe!


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