Eat Pray Love - Don't Be Fooled!

 (2010) ★★☆☆☆

This film is based on Elizabeth Gilbert's 'Eat Pray Love' that is unread by me. I don't intend to. I have no interest in such a film either. Again it was just my job. I had no choice. If I had, I wouldn't have wasted 2 hours on tasteless things like this.

'Sweetness of doing nothing', that's what Liz (Julia Roberts) learns in Italy, the first stop of her one-year self-rediscovery trip to balance her body and mind in particular. Her next is India and then Bali, where she's taught how to meditate and love again. What a nice trip huh? Sure it is, only if you're rich enough to be able to do nothing but eat, pray, and love mindfully. If you aren't, forget about it, because this journey is going to cost you a lot of money. If you think you'd be inspired or rekindled or be reminded of who you really are or how your life's supposed to be like and stuff after taking a journey like Liz's, you're not seeing the real problem of yours. What works for Liz doesn't necessarily work for you. And the thing is, you don't have to travel so far and so luxuriously to gain control of your mind. If you think you do, you're being misled.

In a film like this, there should've been more pictures and images telling the story instead of so-called intelligent dialogues and narration. The story could've been wiser and more sensational. There should've been thrills and twists rather than just laying it out like a travelogue.

The reason why Liz needs to travel abroad to learn how to eat, pray (mediate), and love to feel happy again, is that she can't find bliss in her daily grind. That's a shameful thing for her, and for most of us city dwellers. Happiness is here and now. This world is nothing but a reflection of your own mind. If you can't rid yourself of the hurtful past and worries about the future, you'll be stuck and miserable wherever you go.


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