Salt - Overrated!

(2010) ★☆☆☆☆

Critics are kinda fond of it. Fans have a mixed feeling about it, but I don't. I dislike it. Really, there's nothing to see if you don't like Angelina Jolie. Even if you do, there's nothing to see either, unless you don't mind cliches like double agents turning their back on one another, then throwing in some conspiracy, lies, grenades, gunfire, chases, fists and kicks... oh, sorry, no kicks as I remember. The reason: no Chinese involved maybe. It's all between the American and the Russian. Ideologies of the cold war set in.

Of course, going for a film like this, you would expect nothing but great actions. Is there any? If you ask me, I'd say no. There're loads of actions, but they're by no means great, nothing stylish or thrilling there for me. I guess the problem is, you know that nothing's going to happen to Salt though she seems to be in incessant danger. That she won't be killed no matter what. That people who set her up will all die, either killed by Salt or the other. That the most seemingly loyal person will be of the last so called surprise.

Salt is unbreakable. The ending suggests there's a sequel coming for sure...phew...give me a break here.


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