The Other Guys - This Is Not For Me, Maybe.

 (2010) ★☆☆☆☆

I like Mark Wahlberg in 'The Departed', but in this film, he looks like a total bum. Maybe that's the sort of character he's supposed to play, but I just can't get the laughs he tries to present. I guess he's better off not trying to be a comedian or something, unlike Dwayne Johnson (The Rock, the wrestler), who seems more competent and talented to be in comedies. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are The Other Guys, but they're in fact the main stars of the film, not impressive in any way. Though Samuel L. Jackson and The Rock are merely the guest actors they look pretty cool and funny. Sadly, soon after the film begins, they kill themselves by jumping off the 20-storey building just because they can't stand being teased by those jewelry robbers. Silly huh? Yeah, there's a lot of silly stuff like that, but guess what, that's the only scene that makes me crack up!


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