Priest - Phew! They Haven't Finished The Queen!

(He doesn't use guns. How boring! Paul Bettany in 'Priest')
(2011) ★☆☆☆☆

'Priest' starts with a cartoon sequence informing us that the vampires have long co-existed with humans. But why and how did the first vampire occur? Why are they so bloodthirsty and afraid of the burning Sun? Of course questions like this would not be answered because you know it's just a comic-book adaptation, in which, all expected could be frightening scenes and thrilling actions. Unfortunately, there's none.

The screenplay is shallow and stupid. The story is by no means gripping. The pace is ridiculously slow so the film seems 90 minutes too long. The vampires look very similar to some sort of creatures in 'Lord Of The Rings'. The trailer may mislead you to believe that there'd be stylish actions involving fancy use of weapons. Truth is, there's nothing but few exchanges of fists and gunfire; high speed motorbikes with no lethal weapons attached (what a lousy design); and...right, a cross-shaped dagger that seems to work like nothing more than a dagger.

This film is a total letdown, but the ending strongly suggests there should be a sequel coming because they haven't yet finished the Queen. Well...they've finished me in a way!


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