Predators - It Shouldn't Have Happened.

 (2010) ★☆☆☆☆

Years ago, 'Predator' completely freaked me out because a) Arnold Schwarzenegger's body really was a spectacular, b) its setup is ingenious and buildup so breathtaking, c) the ending, though predictable, is still of a surprise to most of us, d) that creature looks very intimidating when it takes off its mask, and we never thought it'd make such a joke like that in the end.

If you like 'Predator' as much as I do, 'Predators' will be like a turn-off since there's no suspense, no buildup, no characterization, nothing thrilling or scary there. Just guys and a woman drop from the sky and start to kill and get killed one by one. Of course we know at least one of them is going to survive the hunt; predators are going to be killed by our hero or heroine; and since it's their planet, it'll be quite absurd if our hero or heroine can make their way out so easily. They, therefore, must hang in there and wait for more predators to be coming soon. That's how, whether you like it or not, the ending suggests.

I always believe that an action classic like 'Predator' should never have a sequel or anything like that, but the fact is, we've got 'Predator 2', 'AVP', 'AVP requiem' and now 'Predators'. First, they changed the backdrop from the jungle to the city, and thought it'd work, but obviously they were so naive. And then they kind of raped it. They forced it to have sex with 'Aliens', and produced trash. Now they tried to pull it back to the jungle and let us experience the original fear. But you know, they've done the crime they shouldn't have, and most of us are in fact accomplices.


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