Funny Games - This Is Scary!

 (2008) ★★★★

Funny Games, a Michael Haneke's film, is, seriously, not funny after all. Sure enough, you'll be asking a question after viewing: why would they do that? Well, I guess you should be asking: why would I like to watch it? Or, say, what makes me think it'll be funny?

The answer for the first question is, believe or not, quite simple. It's because they think the game they're playing is funny. They're too sick to realize that they're sick. They've gone over the edge and there's no turning back. What's done is done. And why would we like to watch it, and still keep watching it despite the fact that it's not funny at all? The answer is, again, very simple. It's because we're funny. We're too funny to realize that we're funny. So we keep watching Funny Games till it ends.

Technically, it's a stylish, bleak film that would probably make you turn away in the middle, but it's not all gloom and doom as a matter of fact. You can think of it as a sort of test to see how far you will go for being funny, and how much funny stuff you can take. Though it's not really a pleasant flick to check out, it's still worth 4 stars out of 5. It's succeeded in making me realize how funny I am! That's why!


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