Shutter - You Gotta Pay For It

 (2004) ★★★★★

I don't really like ghost stories coz they're nothing to be scared of. To me, humans are a lot scarier than ghosts, so ghost stories don't impress me much, but this one does. There's a Hollywood version of it, that, frankly, very sucks. This Thai film is really a must-see, giving you a rough idea of what karma is. Basically, it's about cause and effect, action and reaction. Everything happens for a reason. Therefore, if you do something wrong now, you'll have to pay for it later. You get what you did, and you'll get what you do now. Something terrible happening to you has got to do with what you did in the past (lives). Keep that in mind while watching "Shutter".

It's supposed to be a scary movie, but somehow I don't find it that scary. But it does thrill me in terms of, like I said, showing how great the karmic force is. Some don't believe in karma. They think everything happens by chance. You're here, by chance. Get ill, by chance. Get rich, by chance. Meet your love, by chance. Have a kid, by chance. Die, still by chance. If everything goes by chance, then you can do nothing to change anything. You don't even have to do anything for everything will come to you automatically, or by chance if you like. This is totally ludicrous, isn't it?

So if you think you've captured a ghost in a photo by chance, think again!


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